About the Chukwa released versions
I’m working with some log collection & aggregation tools from Apache Project, when it came to Chukwa – I read the introduction, release note of the project and didn’t know what to do because it seemed like Chukwa had been in and out for a while and a bit obsolete. So I decided to email the…
Python Extension Packages for Windows
There is a collection of some un/official packages & modules for Python. Most of them are included in x64 . http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Koding : coding in the Cloud
https://koding.com [just calm down and move on, it’s gonna save your time later, trust me] This one is new to me so I’m going to have a brief introduction here, hopefully it’s worth your time reading this : 1. The first thing is an active support from the Community & Administrators : My question was answered…
Hadoop 2.2 and Flume 1.4 Protobuf Problem and Solution
I have to say the big THANK to the author of “Hadoop in Practice” : Alex Holmes Source : http://grepalex.com/2014/02/09/flume-and-hadoop-2.2/ The problem you may encounter while trying to integrate Hadoop 2.2 and Flume 1.4 is the incompatibility between protobuf versions : 2014-04-15 13:56:23,251 (SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor) [ERROR – org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs.HDFSEventSink.process(HDFSEventSink.java:422)] process failed java.lang.VerifyError: class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos$RecoverLeaseRequestProto overrides final method getUnknownFields.()Lcom/google/protobuf/UnknownFieldSet;…
Mổ tim miễn phí phóng viên VOV1 tên Quang
Ngày 12-01-2012 mình có viết bài này 1 lần tại Blog cũ : http://nguyen-vu-long.blogspot.kr/2012/01/su-that-ve-chuyen-mo-tim-mien-phi-cua.html Lần này mình viết lại ngắn gọn vì cho đến bây giờ vẫn còn nhiều bạn bị lừa bởi những tin nhắn như thế này. Các bạn có lòng tốt là điều đáng hoan nghênh, nhưng lòng tốt phải đặt đúng chỗ,…
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Hadoop 2.2 Single Node Installation on CentOS 6.5
By far the best tutorial for you to get started with Hadoop installation. Source : http://alanxelsys.com/2014/02/01/hadoop-2-2-single-node-installation-on-centos-6-5/ Introduction This HOWTO covers Hadoop 2.2 installation with CentOS 6.5. My series of tutorials are meant just as that – tutorials. The intent is to allow the user to gain familiarity with the application and should not be construed…
Mây và Gió
Gió thấy mây cười Gió nghĩ mây vui Gió để mây trôi xa cuối chân trời Chân trời màu xám và mây nặng trĩu Gió lạnh lùng Mây âm thầm mây hóa mưa rơi