Install Backtrack 5 startx black screen hang up
Cài đặt Backtrack 5, bị treo sau khi “startx” I encountered this problem whilst I was installing Backtrack 5 R3 using USB (multiboot) Well, I did google it and really found some helps, but after all I had to fix it myself If you have googled and try this but not sucess : Edit the…
fedora 18 sound problem pulseaudio
after installing fedora 18 KDE and have it updated, I got this problem and solved it by workaround : open command line interface and type : pulseaudio -k #to kill the process nohup pulseaudio -vv & > /dev/null # run it again and even you disconnect from the terminal, it still running well, I…
single click, double click to nagivate folder fedora 18
This solution works for fedora 18 (KDE), if you’re currently using other versions or distros, just give it a try anyway : open command line interface : vi ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals add (below anything if exists) or modify this one : [KDE] SingleClick=false log out, log in and you’re all set . It’s going to take you…
Digital Ocean Review : best cheap cloud VPS
This one is by far the best VPS cloud service I’ve ever used Website : WWW.DIGITALOCEAN.COM Free registration, after that you will be able to see the Control Panel as a glance . These are some hightlighted features I’ll take you through : Awesomely CHEAP : 0.007$ per one hour, 5$ for a month of use, with…
DigitalOcean VPS Review
NOTE : PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR AN ENGLISH VERSION OF THIS POST, IT’S SURELY WORTH YOUR TIME ;-) Đây là dịch vụ VPS tốt nhất từ trước đến nay mà mình từng sử dụng Website : WWW.DIGITALOCEAN.COM Đăng ký thử 1 tài khoản dù chưa nạp tiền bạn vẫn có thể nhìn sơ lược Control Panel…